Длинный, но очень вдохновляющий рассказ ABR-пациентов из Австралии
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Just came back from Perth Workshop. This is the sharing written
Toni from Perth, Australia. I find it very inspiring and ask for her permission to share it with everyone here.
Toni from Perth, Australia
Kasey is an 11 year old girl with the most gorgeous smile and contagious giggle. She was born after a text book pregnancy to her proud parents and they could not
happier with taking home their beautiful daughter with the most amazing red hair. At 6 weeks of age things were not
they seemed. A routine health nurse checkup revealed Kasey was not making milestones and failing to gain weight. She was extremely floppy like a rag doll. Here started an extensive investigation into the cause with many tests and scans failing to determine a diagnosis. Still to this day, Kasey has no official diagnosis and still whenever a new test presents itself, she is having it done to attempt put a label on her condition. Kasey has very low muscle tone, is non verbal, incontinent, unable to walk, has sensory processing disorder, and is anaphylactic to many things. Although undiagnosed, we identify her condition similar to that of someone who has severe hypotonic cerebral palsy.
Like most parents in our situation we have constantly searched and attempted any therapies that can potentially help Kasey improve her abilities and create the best quality of life for her. Generally it is documented that children after the age of around 6 who have CP very rarely will show any significant improvements to their physical and cognitive developments and disadvantages. In most cases deterioration starts taking effect
children reach teenage and adulthood. Sometimes earlier. Within the public health system, unfortunately once school age is met then the child loses many of their conventional therapy time such
Physio, Occupational therapy and speech therapy
it is the end of the most viable years of early intervention.
For our family we did not want to cease any therapy that potentially could help Kasey and so we began trying a few more alternative options. Most had proved unbeneficial.
At the time, a friend of mine had spoken of Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation and how she was seeing results in her child with severe CP. As she explained the concept to me, I knew this was something I really wanted to try. My excitement very quickly became deflated when she told me that they had to re mortgage their house to pay for the treatment and fly to Singapore to do it. We had no ability to even contemplate this kind of money
we were in the process of trying to raise money in order to modify our house for Kasey's needs and also get a wheelchair adapted vehicle. This family too found the cost unsustainable and were forced to abandon the therapy.
In 2014, whilst on a social media webpage ABR was once again highlighted before me. I enquired and learnt that the therapy was now available in Perth with the ABR trainers from Singapore now going there. And the availability of new training programs made ABR a reality for us.
And so September 2014 we began ABR. The initial training was intense but highly motivating and everything that was explained about the mechanics of the body and how things were needed to
done in order for damaged tissues to repair, just made complete sense. I knew this what I needed to
doing. One year later and my suspicions had been confirmed. The before and after video reports proved that we were finally after many years, making some positive transformations to Kasey's body. Her shoulder's had broadened, opening the gap between her shoulder blades, her rib flaring had decreased and chest cavity deepened to allow deeper breathing. She had much better head control. I could never have imagined to see such good results in 12 month.
Our second year of ABR has been completed and we are just amazed
where this path is taking us. Since a very young age Kasey has needed xrays to monitor her hips. Due to her week muscles and ligaments her hip joints became displaced very early. Her migration percentage of displacement were
36%. Her orthopaedic surgeon who monitors the progression had told us that hip surgery would
inevitable, just a matter of when. Over the years we have managed to keep her hips stable with activities such
hydrotherapy and hippotherapy
riding for the disabled. We thought it was the best they would ever
we were told
Kasey hits puberty is where we are most likely going to see a sudden deterioration in her hips.
Her first Xrays after starting ABR took us completely
they showed they had actually improved
5%. The surgeon had put this down to marginal error and that they were most likely still the same. 12 months on and the next round of xrays showed that her hips were now only 24% displaced and there was no way that it was marginal error. The surgeon had put Kasey on 6 monthly reviews
she is well into puberty and classed
being in a critical period for development however even they are shocked
what her hips are doing. 6 months later and her hips have improved another 1% in the right direction with the surgeon now feeling confident that Kasey wont ever need hip surgery. This is all thanks to ABR. We now feel confident that if we can continue ABR we can also turn her scoliosis around, Due to her rapid growth in height, scoliosis is becoming significantly worse. I feel ABR is my best chance
hopefully avoiding back surgery too.
Without ABR we would not see these wonderful results. A therapy that has proven to defy the standard medical beliefs. A therapy where there are no age barriers to when someone can start the treatments and expect to see results.